Share YOUR Stories!

I’d like to invite you to share YOUR stories! You’ve heard me ramble on throughout this website, but now I want to hear from you!

By living in Charleston and working in its hospitality industry, I’ve been fortunate to have some insight to the Lowcountry and all the great things there are to do here. HOWEVER… we all know two heads are better than one, or in this case many heads.

I can’t be everywhere… though I try, haha! And that’s where YOU come in.

Offer your experiences, bests and worsts, opinions, suggestions, memories and reviews.

If you’ve got something to say that will help your fellow visitors get to know Charleston better or assist in their vacation planning… please share your stories! You can even rate Charleston businesses that you like… or don’t like for that matter.

I’ve made it easy for you to do. There’s no need to register to this site or to provide a username with password. Just contribute at your leisure.

Below are the areas where you can read stories, rate stories or even better… tell your stories.

Have fun! I can’t wait to see what you have to say!

    Just a few Submission Guidelines:

  • All content must be family friendly and in good taste. Mature adult language and content will be deleted.
  • Advertisements are not allowed. Material submitted that resembles an ad will be deleted. Your content should be informational. No sales pitches.
  • I reserve the right to make edits to a submission for the best interests of my visitors and to refuse any submissions that do not follow these guidelines.

Don’t be shy… we’re just getting this up and rolling, so dive in and be the first to let others hear from you.

Thanks in advance for contributing to this site and making it even more valuable to others than you already have!

Your friend in Charleston,


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